The most of us find ourselves searching for information about our beloved insect pets, or are looking for certain species. But where to find them? I know quite few good pages and forums, which I would like to share with you. Please feel invited to add your favourite pages to this selection. You can do this via the ‘Comment function’ on the bottom of this page. Share you knowledge – It is the only resource that multiplies when sharing it.
Kaeferforum – The international Kaeferforum of Michael Seifert & Robert Dietze is currently one of the best places to learn about beetles, breeding and many other topics. Plus, a lot of international experts frequent the forum
Coleopteres du Monde – A French forum, with a lot of experts and condensed beetle knowledge. Definitly worthwhile a visit.
Facebook Groups
Coleoptera – Group of Ryan Minard, with information on living beetles
Coleoptera Classifieds – For living specimen and deadstock
Kingdom of Beetles – Taiwanese Beetle shop by Li An Shn with an astonishing offer of rare species
Iris Beetle – Japanese webshop which has specialized on the European market. Good prices and nice species
Hello,I would like to but some living beetles.Can you help me?
Sorry.Typing mistake.
Can you provide some information for me if I want to buy some living beetles?
good day,am here to inform you that i have some type of bettle to sale,if you can give me a detail’s of buying,then let’s start bussiness,thank’s
Contact me on for live beetles purchases.
Im a colléctor of beetles and Butterflies if you are intrested