I was fortunate enough to be able to visit Osaka for a day in August 2012. I took the time to visit some shops and also meet my good friend Kay (who came by train from Tokyo, many thanks for this effort once again). In total I visited 3 shops; the first one I would […]
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Travelling Japan – 2001 – Part 1
Reading this article, which was later on also published in Sklipkan (the Tarantula), I am amazed at how many beetle species have been bred in Japan already 10 years back. Surely, a lot of new additions and tricks have been developed in the meantime, but all basics were already set at those times. Makes me […]
READ MORE »Cetonidae Collection in Japan
In 2003, I got the chance to visit a friend in Osaka who was studying there. Sadly I only had about ten days, but they were well spent. I flew to Osaka in the beginning of august, which was already a bit late for beetles, but managed to collect some Oxycetonia jucunda and Protaetia orientalis. […]