Distribution: Japan Breeding hints: There are a large number of subspecies for Platycerus acuticollis in Japan. If you have an ID for this one, please do let me know. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and […]
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Platycerus acuticollis ssp. #2
Distribution: Japan Breeding hints: There are a large number of subspecies for Platycerus acuticollis in Japan. If you have an ID for this one, please do let me know. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and […]
READ MORE »Platycerus caprea
Distribution: Western Europe (?) Breeding hints: Platycerus caprea is one of the two Platycerus species in Germany. It is slightly larger than Platycerus caraboides. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and then close the hole again […]
READ MORE »Platycerus caraboides
Distribution: Western Europe (?) Breeding hints: Platycerus caraboides is one of the two Platycerus species in Germany. It is slightly smaller than Platycerus caprea. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and then close the hole again […]
READ MORE »Platycerus hongwonpyoi merkli
Distribution: Korea Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeders of Platycerus hogwonpyoi. I would believe breeding is rather similar to other Platycerus. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and then close the hole again with […]
READ MORE »Platycerus oregonensis
Distribution: USA Breeding hints: Platycerus oregonensis is a very large beetle, of course only by Platycerus standards. I believe it has been bred by American hobbyists, but I am not sure if Platycerus oregonensis has made its way into the hands of breeders outside the USA. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The […]
READ MORE »Platycerus primigenius
Distribution: Russia Breeding hints: I am not sure if Platycerus primigenius has already been bred by hobbyists. I would be surprised if the breeding is different from the standard Platycerus breeding. Cool temperatures would be necessary. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft […]