Distribution: Vietnam, China Breeding hints: Prosopocoilus is a rarely offered species, as dead specimen. I have not yet seen alive beetles. I do think I have seen photos of alive capricornus in Japanese pages, but am not sure if they succeeded breeding it. To me, this species does look a lot like Prosopocoilus formosanus from […]
READ MORE »Posts tagged Online Insect Museum
Insect worlds – an extraodinary exhibition of beetles
I was always wondering why insect exhibitions in museums were always just dried and pinned insects in boxes. Well, for an enthusiast like me, this was a fantastic thing, as I could see a maximum number of specimen in small space. I did however observe that my family and other people were just glancing through, […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis micros
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeding reports for Odontolabis micros. O. micros is a very interesting species because it looks like a perfect telodont miniature of the large Odontolabis species. Breeding would surely be very interesting and I would be happy if you could inform me if you have managed to […]
READ MORE »Platycerus hongwonpyoi merkli
Distribution: Korea Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeders of Platycerus hogwonpyoi. I would believe breeding is rather similar to other Platycerus. The breeding of Platycerus is commonly rather easy. The females will chew small holes into pieces of medium soft white rotten wood, lay the eggs and then close the hole again with […]
READ MORE »Cantharolethrus steinheili
Distribution: Peru Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeding reports for Cantharolethrus steinheili. I am not sure if this species has even made it into the hands of hobbyists yet. If you know more, please let us know. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of […]
READ MORE »Dorcus bisignatus elsiledis
Distribution: Vietnam Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeding reports for Dorcus bisignatus elsiledis. Please share your experiences with me. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. All Pictures © […]
READ MORE »Eligmodontus kanghianus
Distribution: Vietnam Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeding reports for Elgmodontus kanghianus. If you know, let me know 🙂 Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. All Pictures © […]
READ MORE »Lucanus luci
Distribution: Vietnam Breeding hints: Lucanus luci is a rather new species and as such I would be surprised if there are already breeding reports. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. […]
READ MORE »Hoplopyga brasiliensis
Distribution: Bresil Breeding hints: I am not aware of breeding reports for this species. I am not sure if it has made it into the hands of breeders yet. Interesting Links: Please suggest other links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you […]
READ MORE »Hoplia coerulea
Distribution: France Breeding hints: I have not kept and bred this species. If you have, please do let us know. Interesting Links: Please suggest other links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. Design and Text […]