Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: Allotopus have been impossible to breed for quite some time. Thanks to Japanese hobyists however, Allotopus is now regularly being bred in Japan. The larvae require wood that has been infested with a special kind of kinshi fungus. Till date this fungus is only being cultured commercially in Japan and Taiwan […]
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Allotopus moellenkampi fruhstoferi
Distribution: Borneo, Malaysia Breeding hints: Allotopus moellenkampi fruhstoferi is the rarest of all Allotopus species and subspecies. Allotopus tends to be quite rare, even in pristine forests. Allotopus have been impossible to breed for quite some time. Thanks to Japanese hobyists however, Allotopus is now regularly being bred in Japan. The larvae require wood that […]
READ MORE »Allotopus moellenkampi moseri
Distribution: Malaysia Breeding hints: Allotopus have been impossible to breed for quite some time. Thanks to Japanese hobyists however, Allotopus is now regularly being bred in Japan. The larvae require wood that has been infested with a special kind of kinshi fungus. Till date this fungus is only being cultured commercially in Japan and Taiwan […]
READ MORE »Allotopus moellenkampi moellenkampi
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: Allotopus have been impossible to breed for quite some time. Thanks to Japanese hobyists however, Allotopus is now regularly being bred in Japan. The larvae require wood that has been infested with a special kind of kinshi fungus. Till date this fungus is only being cultured commercially in Japan and Taiwan […]