Distribution: Philippines Breeding hints: I am not sure about the ID of this Gnaphaloryx, if you have an idea, please let me know. Thanks in advance. If you have any information on how to breed the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species […]
READ MORE »Posts tagged Gnaphaloryx
Gnaphaloryx spec. Indonesia
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not sure about the ID of this Gnaphaloryx, I would guess it is G. opacus, but would need a confirmation on this. If you have any information on how to breed the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about […]
READ MORE »Gnaphaloryx squalidus
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not sure if Gnaphaloryx squalidus has been bred in captivity. It is a rather small and colourless species and I guess only real enthusiasts would breed it. If you have any information on how to breed this species, even the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: […]
READ MORE »Gnaphaloryx miles
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not sure if Gnaphaloryx miles has been bred in captivity. It is a rather small and colourless species and I guess only real enthusiasts would breed it. If you have any information on how to breed this species, even the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: […]
READ MORE »Gnaphaloryx perforatus
Distribution: Malaysia Breeding hints: I am not sure if Gnaphaloryx perforatus has been bred in captivity. It is a rather small and colourless species and I guess only real enthusiasts would breed it. If you have any information on how to breed this species, even the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: […]
READ MORE »Gnaphaloryx opacus
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not sure if Gnaphaloryx opacus has been bred in captivity. It is a rather small and colourless species and I guess only real enthusiasts would breed it. If you have any information on how to breed this species, even the Genus Gnaphaloryx, please do let me know. Interesting Links: […]