Time to update on one of my favorite South Indian Lucanidae species. Partially, because I had observed them in the wild over several years, and will probably never forget my joy and excitement when I found my first male in the area of Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu, South India. Hexarthrius davisoni is the Southernmost Indian […]
READ MORE »Posts tagged Hexarthrius
The Breeding/Rearing of Hexarthrius mandibularis by Kay
This is the breeding report for Hexarthrius mandibularis sumatranus by my friend Kay the Guru from Japan. Hexarthrius were considered impossible to breed for a long time in Europe, until somebody found out that the females need a protein diet in order to lay eggs. Hence make sure to feed them with protein jellies, or […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius vitalisi myashitai
Distribution: Thailand Breeding hints: I am not aware of Hexarthrius vitalisi myashitai having been bred or being exported alive. Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius vitalisi cottoni
Distribution: Laos Breeding hints: I am not aware of Hexarthrius vitalisi cottoni having been bred or being exported alive. Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius rhinoceros rhinoceros
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: Hexarthrius rhinoceros rhinoceros is exported quite regularly from Indonesia. Oddly enough, I am not aware of anyone breeding this species, but would be surprised if Japanese hobbyists would not have managed to breed these. Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius parryi paradoxus
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard white rotten wood and females often make tunnels before laying eggs. Hexarthrius parryi paradoxus is […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius parryi deyrollei
Distribution: Thailand, Malaysia Breeding hints: Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard white rotten wood and females often make tunnels before laying eggs. Hexarthrius parryi deyrollei […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius mniszechi
Distribution: India Breeding hints: I am not aware that Hexarthrius mniszechi has been bred in captivity or is kept by hobbyists. Breeding should however not be too different from that of other Indian Hexarthrius species (Correct me if I am wrong :-)) Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius melchioritis
Distribution: Myanmar Breeding hints: Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard white rotten wood and females often make tunnels before laying eggs. Hexarthrius melchioritis is still […]
READ MORE »Hexarthrius mandibularis sumatranus
Distribution: Sumatra, Indonesia Breeding hints: Hexarthrius are considered to be more tricky to breed than other Lucanidae. It is important to feed the imagines with proteins, as otherwise males might kill females and vice versa. Eggs are laid into relatively hard white rotten wood and females often make tunnels before laying eggs. Hexarthrius mandibularis sumatranus […]