Distribution: Vietnam Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. All Pictures © Copyright of their respective owners. Design […]
READ MORE »Posts tagged Lucanus
Lucanus parryi
Distribution: China Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them displayed here. All Pictures © Copyright of their respective owners. Design […]
READ MORE »Lucanus ogakii ogakii
Distribution: Taiwan Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. I think that it is bred by Taiwanese and Japanese hobbyists. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me your pictures, if you want to have them […]
READ MORE »Lucanus kanoi piceus
Distribution: Taiwan Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. I know that it is bred by Taiwanese and Japanese hobbyists. Breeding seems to be very similar to Lucanus maculifemuratus Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email […]
READ MORE »Lucanus nangsarae
Distribution: Myanmar Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. I know that it is bred by Taiwanese and Japanese hobbyists. Breeding seems to be not so difficult (That of course by ‘Lucanus-standards’) Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living […]
READ MORE »Lucanus miwai
Distribution: Taiwan Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for this species. I know that it is bred by Taiwanese and Japanese hobbyists. Breeding seems to be similar to Lucanus maculifemuratus Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living specimen: Please email me […]
READ MORE »Lucanus mazama
Distribution: USA, Arizona Breeding hints: Supposedly not too difficult to breed. Eggs are laid in the substrat near to rotten wood pieces. Larvae are easy to raise on a white rotten wood or fermented mat. Keep an eye on the temperature, which should not be too high Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more […]
READ MORE »Lucanus maeresi
Distribution: India, Bhutan Breeding hints: This species is quite regularly bred by Japanese hobbyists, if we can talk about regular breeding in Lucanus. I heard that temperature around 20 degree Celisus is a very important factor when breeding. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen Pictures: Pictures of living […]
READ MORE »Lucanus maculifemoratus boileaui
Distribution: China, Republic of China Breeding hints: I do not think that this subspecies has been bred by hobbyists yet. However, the breeding should be similar to that of Lucanus maculifemoratus Cool temperatures and high humidity for egg laying Getting the females to lay eggs can be difficult at times Eggs are laid into the […]
READ MORE »Lucanus maculifemoratus dybowskyi
Distribution: Russia Breeding hints: I do not think that this subspecies has been bred by hobbyists yet. However, the breeding should be similar to that of Lucanus maculifemoratus Cool temperatures and high humidity for egg laying Getting the females to lay eggs can be difficult at times Eggs are laid into the soil next to […]