Breeding hints:
Not sure about this subspecies. If you have an ID for it, please do let me know. Thanks a lot 🙂
Dorcus titanus is an extremely widespread species with a large number of subspecies all over Asia. It is very easy to breed and makes for a perfect beginners species. There are very large subspecies growing over 10 cm, and those that merely touch 5 cm. Temperature might be an issue and it is important to make sure you know where your beetles are coming from. Breeding is like the standard Dorcus breeding. There is a very detailed breeding report for Dorcus titanus palawanicus from my friend Kay the Guru on this website. The breeding of Dorcus titanus in short:
Eggs are laid into hard white rotten wood. Larvae can be reared either in:
- Wood logs: The logs that the females laid the eggs in
- Breeding mat: Fermented mat with or without protein additives
- Kinshi bottles: Only for those priviledged enough to live in Japan or Taiwan
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Design and Text © Copyright of Benjamin Harink, any use is strictly prohibited, for details contact: hankypanky79@hotmail.com
emmm, according to a book called Chinese Stagbeetles, there’s one unamed subspecies found in Tibet which they wrote “ssp. incert.”, but this book was published 8 years ago, don’t know if theres any new informations……