Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: This is now Odontolabis, but was earlier known as Chalcodes lecourti. I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis (Chalcodes) lecourti. I am not sure if it has already been bred by hobbyists and am thankful for any information. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about […]
READ MORE »Posts tagged Odontolabis
Odontolabis johanni
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: This is now Odontolabis, but was earlier known as Chalcodes johanni. I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis (Chalcodes) johanni. I am not sure if it has already been bred by hobbyists and am thankful for any information. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis baderi
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: This is now Odontolabis, but was earlier known as Chalcodes baderi. I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis (Chalcodes) baderi. I believe it has already been bred by hobbyists and am thankful for any information. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis aeratus
Distribution: Malaysia Breeding hints: This is now Odontolabis, but was earlier known as Chalcodes aeratus. I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis (Chalcodes) aeratus. I believe it has already been bred by hobbyists and am thankful for any information. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about this species Specimen […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis spec. Philippines
Distribution: Philippines Breeding hints: I am not sure what species / subspecies of Odontolabis this Odontolabis from the Philippines is. I would put it somewhere in the Odontolabis dalmanni group of subspecies. If you have an idea, please do let me know Odontolabis normally make for a good beginners choice. Of course there are some […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis wollastoni
Distribution: Indonesia, Malaysia Breeding hints: I have tried to breed Odontolabis wollastoni a few years back, but was not successful. It is a rather common species and I think it has been bred already by hobbyists. If you have any information, please do share it with us π Odontolabis normally make for a good beginners […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis versicolor
Distribution: South India, India Breeding hints: Odontolabis versicolor from South India is quite a recent addition to the collection of beetle breeders. I believe it is quite successfully bred in Japan and some specimen have also found the way to Europe. I am not aware of a detailed breeding report for this species, though. Being […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis striata striata
Distribution: Borneo, Malaysia Breeding hints: This is now Odontolabis, but was earlier known as Chalcodes striata striata. I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis (Chalcodes) striata striata. I believe it has already been bred by hobbyists and am thankful for any information. Interesting Links: Please suggest links that offer more information about […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis stevensi limbata
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis stevensi limbata and would be thankful to you breeders out there, if you shared some of your experiences. Odontolabis normally make for a good beginners choice. Of course there are some difficult to breed species, but the major challenge in breeding […]
READ MORE »Odontolabis stevensi stevensi
Distribution: Indonesia Breeding hints: I am not aware of detailed breeding reports for Odontolabis stevensi stevensi and would be thankful to you breeders out there, if you shared some of your experiences. Odontolabis normally make for a good beginners choice. Of course there are some difficult to breed species, but the major challenge in breeding […]